Let the 50k pageviews make true (humble contest)

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artozi's avatar
Hello DA! "Alo, Salut" following the old sond Dragostea Din Tei:) I loved that one!

I am slowly getting to 50000 pageviews! I know people here have so much more, millions of them, but it doesn't make me less proud. It is amazing number, one I worked hard to get to it, my first big round one. I feel it's coming, unless people stop visiting my page;) My journal entry could be much longer, because I have much things to share but let's keep it simple and short.

Person who will show me the screenshot of the closest number equal or beyond 50000 will get a free painting. Easy right?:) You pick up the theme and concept - it may even depict yourself as fantasy character. It is all up to you. And don't worry, I am not afraid of cute girls with wings and nice asses... OF course not!, who is?:D Deviantart comments, faves really are valuable to me. My progress relies on you and I would like to give something back for all these years. It is still not enough though.

Thank you to everybody who care about my artwork!


For commission enquiries or any other private matters please write at: contact@ozminski.com
© 2011 - 2024 artozi
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Luced0's avatar
I'm so sad I missed this